  • Islamic Religious Rituals

    Religious Rituals, The Meaning of religious ritual and  The impact on the lives

    Religions have different rituals and practices that accompany and highlight religious experience. A ritual must fit into four categories. These four categories are that it must be a repetitive social practice, it must be set off from the routines of day to day life, it must follow some sort of ritual schema, and it must be encoded in myth. Ritual often has its roots in myth and religion, tying itself to ancient practices between the divine and humans. However, a ritual does not have to be religious in nature;

    Religion can be defined as concepts or ideas and the practices associated with them. These practices hypothesize reality beyond that which is instantly available to the senses. An example of an old ritual that is encoded in myth and religious symbolism can be found in the catacombs of Sicily where over 2,000 dead bodies are kept. Most of these bodies have been embalmed or mummified and dressed in the attire that suited their profession, many of them being nobles, professionals, and merchants

    Another great example of Ritual can be seen in the Sinhalese Buddhists of Sri Lanka. To cure people of illness the Sinhalese perform an elaborate exorcism ritual that involves all night dancing, singing, and role playing. The ceremony traditionally lasts from Midnight until 6 AM. At Midnight, costumed actors appear to portray the afflicting demons. As time passes, these figures are turned into comedic figures of ridicule. At 3 AM actors dressed as Sinhalese gods appear and reassert their dominance. The final performance, done around 6 AM, the absurdity of the demons if confirmed and the ritual ends. It is important to note that the ritual involves several crucial and distinctly separate phases

    So, What are the religious rituals of Islam?

    There are some religous rituals of islam, The Islam has Five Pillar and this five pillars of Islam make up the basic foundations of belief, for a Muslim the rituals in islam are summarized in the five pillars where most of rituals are performed in our neighborhood , The only Islamic rituals specific to Makkah are the Hajj and the Umrah - and their various individual components.

    Read more About Five Pillars of Islam

    What Are The Main Practices And Rituals Of Islam?

    The main Practices and Rituals in islam is Prayer (shalat) It is the practice of formal prayer in Islam. Its supreme importance for Muslims is indicated by its status as one of the Five Pillars of Sunni Islam, of the Ten Practices of the Religion of Twelver Islam. Salah is a ritual prayer, having prescribed conditions, a prescribed procedure, and prescribed times.

    Performing salah is obligatory, with a few dispensations for those for whom it would be difficult. For those whom it is difficult they can perform Salah in a way which is suitable for them. They can perform Salah while sitting down (in case of illness or any situation like traveling in a vehicle, on a horse, etc), while lying down (in case of illness) and even with indication. To perform valid Salah, Muslims must be in a state of ritual purity, which is mainly achieved by ritual ablution according to prescribed procedures.

    After Salah, often duas and munajats are held. Certain hadiths recommends reciting Ayatul Kursi, Al-Falaq, Al-Nas , etc. after Salah for protection

    For Sunnis and Musta'lids, salah is prescribed at five periods of the day, which are measured according to the movement of the sun. These are: near dawn (fajr), just after noon (dhuhr), in the afternoon (asr), just after sunset (maghrib) and around nightfall (isha'a). Under some circumstances prayers can be shortened or combined (according to prescribed procedures). In case a prayer is skipped, it must be made up later

    While For Shia doctrine permits two sets of these prayers to be performed in succession. Sufis often perform dhikr after the conclusion of prayers.


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