  • The Duty Of Human In The World

    There are three basic tasks that we (human) agreed upon through the agreement is written in the Quran. three main tasks that no one can separate all should be implemented for the good of man and nature and its contents. Human safety will not matter if you only do one task only, because as soon as we (humans) enters an area or task, then the one between the two tasks into something that also should be implemented, and so when two tasks get accomplished the task into three must carried out.

    Developing the full potential of human well-shaped body and spirit. foster harmonious relationship of each person with God, man and the universe. only and can only be done together , without any jealousy, envy, hasud which could lead to schism. because if the split occurs then inevitably inflicted warning will continue until we return to the unity and integrity as human beings is a single race.

    Hablum Minallah

    In relation to Hablum Minallah, maybe some people would think enough with prayer and dhikr, leaving the hustle and bustle of the world and all its problems, but let us not forget that in Grace that Allah The Almighty  has given us, there are a proprietary of other people.

    Treasures that we've got = there are some who become the property of another person who should we give through charity, (Allah Will Held accountable for this)
    Science that we get = there are rights of others, (curse of Allah be with those who hide or sold the knowledge)
    And the gift, the gift of Allah The Almighty who have been given to us is belong to others people.

    Which would then put us into a second task that is Hablum Minannas.

    The third task that is Hablum Minal Alam is the road that lies between two main tasks of man, in search of safety and tranquility of life in the world. keep it friendly nature, nature in order to maintain our own good while in this world. For the creation of these three functions are integrated within the person believing Muslim, can not be done alone, we can not do anything by self, because we needed a place to plant our charitable fields, and it is contained in other individual.

    All of this is our duty to live in the world, unite our hearts and souls, eliminating envy, and imbalance. because Allah The Almighty has created man and the universe is balanced. (Verse)

    And Allaah knows best


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