
    "Say: 'Verily if men and jinn gathered to make similar this Qur'an, they would not be able to make similar to him, even if some of them to be servants of each others' ..." (Surat Al-Israa ': 88).

    It's a common trait of mankind since time immemorial that whenever a clue comes from God to redirect their steps into the will and God's plan; they demanded supernatural proofs from these men of God, instead of accepting orders on its merit.

    For example, when Jesus began to preach to his people - "Children of Israel" - to mend their ways and to refrain applies only within the law merely formal and absorb the true spirit of the laws and commandments of God, a people who want a miracle from him to prove honesty, as recorded in the Gospels:

    "At that time certain of the scribes and Pharisees to Jesus, 'Teacher, we want to see a sign (mu jizat) than Mu' But his answers to them, 'Force of this wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign (mu jizat ). But they will not be given to the sIGN (mu 'jizat) in addition to the sign (miracle) of Jonah' {gospel - Matthew 12: 38-39 (Added emphasis)}.

    Although on the face of Jesus refuses to pamper the Jews here, in fact, he did many miracles as we learn from the Gospel.

    The Gospels are full of supernatural events that are given to the prophets from their Lord-fact all the "signs" and "awe" and "kemu'jizatan" is an act of God, but for all the miracles it works through a human intermediary, we describe them as mu 'jizat prophets, such as Moses or Jesus alaihis-who perform miracles with their hands.

    Ones of the Mirracle that Allah give to Rosulullah Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is Al Quran
    The Qur’an stands out as a divine work, surpassing all products of the human mind. The fact that the Qur'an could only be a divine revelation, showing how is the combines merits that could never be found together in any human writing. Equipped with a profound literary sense and a powerful Arabic style, as well as the unity of theme that runs through each chapter , or surah. make the Quran as the greatest miracle granted by Allah the almighty to The Prophet Muhammad

    A miracle that will remain eternal and no one can change even one verse.no one can make it, neither man nor jinn even if they are united and servants each others.

    Allah Know The Best


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